Good thing I had a really productive crafting weekend, because I am going to be trying to post every day for the en
tire month. Over the past 4 days, I've made 7... that's right... SEVEN necklaces. Many will be Christmas presents, but to people who I don't think read my blog.

So. Today you get to see them all at once, living in the lid for the container I store all of my beads in- an old cheese box- and over the course of the week, I am going to show you the necklaces individually! Unfortunately, these are cell phone pics because I can't find my camera. But you'll see detail shots soon! Blogging every day this month will be a challenge, but I really like the idea. We'll see.

Another November thing... Thankful for 30. Listing something you're thankful for, every day, for 30 days. This is a season to give thanks, and we have no reason not to. Sometimes it'll be a person, sometimes a place, but that'll be my signoff every day this month! It'll be a great reminder to BE thankful in my everyday life- sometimes I end up being so go-go-go I forget to stop and thank God for the GREAT world around me.
Today I'm thankful for Fall color outside of my window,even in the middle of the city, even if all of the trees haven't gotten the message yet! Having something green outside of my window has really been a blessing, and watching it change has made me a little less homesick for KY.
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