Thursday, February 5, 2009

The evolution of swatching

I am up to 31 yards in recorded fabric... and the end is not in sight... :(

Most of the stuff I got cataloged was a garbage bag from my ex-boyfriend's (as of a week ago*) mom... And the one purchase I have made this year. I have yet to get into anything in the bins! This is just what was out. As I go through, I am planning to weed out the things that I know I won't use. And get some kind of a system. I really don't have one, sadly!

But here's where I started. On post-its with paper clips and my trusty tape measure on the dorm room floor.

Then I got a box and cards!

My cards are 4x6 and all handwritten. I elected to staple swatches, for the simple fact that I can tell how something feels or how see-through it is... And it's handwritten because I have no patience to try to feed these thorough a printer. All of the ones here at school are big and scary, and I took mine home because the network is so good!

Each card looks like this, and lists the name I gave to the fabric, or when I start to buy named fabrics it'll say those. I list yardage, width, place of origin(so far lots of people) and date and cost. All of that goes on the right, and a swatch goes on the left with fiber content underneath. Elementary, but it works for now!
The back will come in handy when I start using all of this up, and for fabrics like the one this card is for, I'll put a picture of the repeat on the back...

Here is the repeat, with tape for scale. I like it so much I wanna share! The tape kinda tells you more about how HUGE the flowers are... I can see a great summer skirt long enough for Turkey in my head. Or maybe even a dress, hmm....

Kay, wish me luck getting through this catalog! Super-long rehearsal tomorrow and a run-through and dinner out Friday so I won't have any progress to report till this weekend at the earliest... And I may just sleep then. This has been a heck of a week!

*: I am hurt by how it happened, but really okay... and it's for the best. He has some thinking to do, and I do too. We may be friends down the road... I just don't know yet. I am sure we won't date again. And I think that's all I want to say. So much not-sewing stuff this week! I know y'all don't necessarily come here for that. When I decided to really do this, I promised myself this wouldn't be a college angst piece.
And I really appreciate the supportive comments encouraging me to ramble. Thanks for bearing with me!

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on the stash-cataloging pain, having just been through it myself. My system (such as it is) is a bit different-- I cut swatches and stuck them in a pocket sketchbook (so I can keep it in my purse) with double-sided tape. But most of the information is the same, other than place of origin and cost (didn't think of that, but the cost isn't a bad idea, since I was just thinking it might be an interesting experiment to track just how much it costs me to make an outfit or two!) One other thing I'm thinking I'm going to add the next time I buy fabric will be to copy down the washing instructions while I'm at the store, because I always forget that. And I honestly haven't tried yet to add up just how many yards I have in my stash-- still a bit freaked out by how many pieces I have! The yardage might give me a coronary.

    Also, sorry to hear about the breakup, but glad to hear that you're doing ok so far. It's never an easy thing to go through.


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