Monday, May 18, 2009

Home, home on the range...

As if my presence in your internet lives wasn't already intermittent, I am leaving for home on Wednesday morning at an all-too early hour after a stop at a great little bakery...
And before then, I am having a few last-minute-spend time with friends things, and packing my room into storage at my church, in my chapter room, and in my baby car. My poor baby car will get an oil change and then tomorrow will be spent on the road... So excited. That means I will be home. Home just sounds SUPER amazing right now.
And then, if you get lucky, I'll be sewing and showing things. Because I have a wardrobe to build!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah:
    Just writing to let you know that I nominated you for the attitude of gratitude award.



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