Y'all, I hate it when you look at costs.
How much do our hobbies cost us? Now, before you click away because you don't wanna think about it, wait a second... Because I don't wanna talk about money, or personal finances...
I want to talk about space. I want to talk about time. I want to talk about effort, and what the cost of THOSE is. Because many of us stash... I know I am guilty, and I am certainly dreading getting that counter with yards in and out up to date.
I live in a small city apartment, and that means the cost of storage is high. And, while sewing does not have to use up much room, I am woefully lacking in the discipline required to do the thing where you buy the things for one project, finish it, and move onto the next one with very little left over and carried over to store- maybe a few basic notions and a scraps bin.
On the other hand, I'd really much rather have 5 bins of fabric and one bin of Christmas decor... Inspiration doesn't mean adorning my home for me, although I certainly love having my home feel like one.
I want to love this gift of creativity. I want to grow into it, and for things to take shape out of those bins of supplies... And I want to talk about it.
Lovely readers, if you still exist, I want you to hold me to embarking on a renewed relationship with my hobbies. I want to show you silly cell phone pictures of earrings, tell you the stories of my creation, and share with you this part of my life.