Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wardrobe Wednesday: Clean out 2

Well, it turns out that school is counter-productive to wardrobe reform. 
But.  Fall is not.
As the seasons change, I have a great desire for cohesion, friends.  And a touch of paring down.  Nancy’s Week 1 has been my guideline, and I really do want to work on it, it’s honestly about the time to do so right now. 
I want to organize, and get control of things while it’s still warm enough to clean out, and run back and forth to my car, throw open the windows, and pare down Summer before I have to add Fall and Winter clothes into the mix… because here in Georgia, it may be fall according to the calendar, but it certainly doesn’t feel like it.  And the cleaning? Well, we won’t get into that.  This is, after all, Wardrobe Wednesday, not one of  Sarah’s crazy nesting/cleaning/home-making post.  Go here for that

I’m on an organizing kick, and I’m going to link to some things I think will help me, and maybe they’ll help you too!  There are some links that are general, but all are on my current wavelength. 
  • Apartment Therapy has collected closet things. 20 beautiful ideas that gave me a serious case of closet envy.
  • When you see these, you’ll need something attainable to aim for, go look here for a very comprehensive, picture-heavy post.  Organizing Made Fun is great AND attainable for all of us. 
  •  Discardian’s hanger trick: flip em around, and when you’ve worn something, it gets to be flipped back.
  • Lest these things seem expensive, go check out The OrganizedHome’s post on frugal organizing- not everything needs an expensive system.
  • Peter over at Male Pattern Boldness is always great, and his Daily Ditch is an inspiration.  
  • And on removing general clutter in our lives, Discardia is great.
Be inspired, friends! Clean out those closets before winter sets in!

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